+211 915 885 259 info@abukerbino.com

Telecom Field Maintenance:

ABU KERBINO ENGINEERING CO. LTD (AKE C) subscribes to the maxim “design for support, design the support, and support the design”, and realizes that logistic support and resources (maintenance, spare parts, training, Quality Control & Quality Assurance, etc.) is an operators’ largest expense over the useful life of their networks.

In order to control these expenses, the goals of the AKEC logistic engineering effort are to:

  • Identify and develop logistical support requirements that are related to the system and are supportive of readiness objectives of the system
  • Have the logistical support considerations influence the design where possible
  • Acquire the necessary logistical resources
  • Provide the required logistical support at the minimum cost

Logistical engineering management plans based on broad practical experience can be generated defining the logistical support concept and providing guidance on the logistical engineering tasks to be executed, realizing an optimal support system for networks, keeping them on the air. AKEC engineers are able to man network operations centers, and have a network wide view due to their varied experience.

To facilitate management of telecom sites, we offer a unique cell onsite, remote performance and analysis solution. Key features include:

Full NOC Solutions

Environmental monitoring

We provide complete management of network operators’ sites. Complex site elements are presented as one operational asset under one cross-platform system-ZON control.

Managers can receive realt-time updates and view diagnostics of cell towers and generators remotely.

Site management requires close environmental supervision as failure in a unit affects the entire operation. We integrate a specialised technical team with a predefined alert methodology to troubleshoot and analyse VSWRs, Temperature alarms to ensure smooth operations. Thorough site to deter unexpected bush fires

Preventive maintenance

Integrate and configure maintenance crucial parameters into the system. Generate operational and statistical reports to analyze asset performance. Configure events to alert necessary personnel of any abormalities.

Security Magement

We design an optimum security architecture adjusted for specific needs in lieu of evolving security challenges. We train and equip our field security guards with the necessary resources to safeguard all site equipments.